How to get Untarnished Weapons
As a result of Ganon’s revival, the land of Hyrule has been corrupted and all of its weapons have been tarnished as a result, leading to weakened weapons that break far more easily. But luckily there is a way to still find untarnished weapons if you know where to look.
What are Untarnished Weapons?
Following Hyrule’s fall into catastrophe, all weapons were corrupted by Ganon’s power, making them weaker and more brittle. However, it’s still possible to find untarnished weapons which are stronger and will not break as easily. The only problem is they’re not readily available.
Where to Find Untarnished Weapons?
There are a few places you can find untarnished weapons. They are sometimes found in chests, especially chests summoned through an amiibo. If you don’t luck into a special amiibo item, the chest summoned through an amiibo will most likely hold an untarnished weapon.
So if you have an amiibo you can use it once a day to potentially get an untarnished weapon.
Where to Find Untarnished Weapons in Hyrule?
If you don’t have an amiibo or already used one and need an untarnished weapon, you’ll be able to find them in The Depths. This underground area is a massive, cavern filled with secrets and also a regular location to find untarnished weapons.
To get to The Depths, find one of the many large portal-like holes found around Hyrule. Once you find one you can jump in and you’ll soon find yourself in The Depths. Once there, it’ll be pitch black so you have to use arrows with Brightbloom Seeds to light your way around.
Once underground, you’ll soon notice several, plateau-like rock formations and if you look closely enough you’ll find that some of them have dark figures on top of them. These are not enemies, but instead, they’re holding untarnished weapons.
You can climb up these rock formations and once there, interact with these shadowy figures and they will give you their untarnished weapon before disappearing. The benefits of untarnished weapons lie in their strength as an untarnished broadsword for example will have 12 attack power, whereas a regular broadsword will have 7 attack power because of its corruption.