Who Is Diablo 4's Main Villain Lilith?
Throughout the Diablo series, players have faced off against numerous powerful beings. Diablo 1 and 2 tasked us with defeating the Prime Evils, the formidable leaders of Hell’s forces. Diablo 3 featured a renegade angel as the big bad. In Diablo IV, the ultimate foe is none other than the Daughter of Hatred and Mother of Sanctuary herself: Lilith. It’s time to dive deep into the lore of Lilith.
Lilith's history is rife with conflict. We're detailing Mephisto, Inarius, the creation of Sanctuary, nephalem, the Triune, Burning Hells, Church of Light, and more!
Diablo IV releases on PC, Xbox Series consoles, PlayStation 5, and PlayStation 4 on June 6th.
Presented by Diablo IV.